Sunday, November 14, 2010

STEM Lesson Plan Reflection

First, let me say that I had an issue with the format settings of the lesson plan.  I don't know if anyone else had problems, but it was very hard to edit because of the format that was on the document.

The 5 E strategy was helpful, it helped me sort out each step of my lesson.  I thought it was a little repetitive and slow to use.  I plan my lessons differently. I write my objective first and then plan out my activities for the unit.  Then I write note sheets, activity sheets, homework, etc.  I thought the 5 E's made me reflect more on what activities I chose and why I was choosing them.  I will use that in my planning process, but I will not use the lesson plan format.  It is too formal and slow to do that for each lesson.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah,
    I also felt that the lesson plan template was a rather drawn out process. The day definitely does not allow for that much time to plan for each and every lesson! I, like you, really liked the 5 E's strategy, and that is the main thing I will be taking away from this process. Great blog!
